Art & Design

You’ll love to hate Ramos alarm clock but it will wake you up even in a coma!

Gosh I hate to wake up in the morning as sleep tries to force me back into the deep dreamy world with every muscle in my body relaxed to its pinnacle. Alarm clocks are rendered useless as I surrender to my sleepy woes and the next thing I know, I’m late for my daily schedule but thank god an alarm clock is here to break the shackles and make me more disciplined than I’m right now. Invented by Paul Sammut (25-year old engineer from Hoboken) and funded through the Kickstarter platform, Ramos is a loud sounding alarm clock which can only be deactivated by entering the code.

With no snooze button at arm lengths reach and the only way to shut it up is by walking over to the wireless diffuse panel and punching in the defuse code, Ramos is one alarm clock you’ll love to hate. Now the unique thing about this clock is that you can keep the alarm clock right next to your bed and keep the wireless defusing panel in a place like kitchen, so the only way to diffuse it is by walking to the kitchen and entering the code. Which in a way wakes you up fully for the day and you feel like sleeping no more, that is why Ramos is so popular with the users who have ordered the alarm clock.

The project is a huge success as Sammut has raised $150K on Kickstarter and soon will be shipped to the users who have backed this project. So, it’s high time you get one for yourself right now. For more details of the project jump straight over to Kickstarter platform.

Via: DailyMail/Springwise


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