Art & Design

Fully customizable Locus Gaming Table with multitouch for gamer’s delight

Here is something that will bring a rise smile on the faces of avid gamers who just can’t get out of the virtual space and literally are slaves to gaming, in a good way downright folks! Ok, now getting on to this exquisite Locus Gaming Table designed by GeekChic for bringing the interactive gaming scenario down to the table literally speaking, it has 32 simultaneous IR-based multitouch instances for a gaming experience like none other. The Gaming Table comes in a plethora of choices of wood make right from walnut, cherry to the maple finish with option to custom build it according to your height requirements. The LED-LCD display panel which is spill proof has a resolution of 1080p running at 240Mhz and totally upgradable for future updates.

Talking about the software assisting the hardware of this Gaming Table, Mesa Mundi has designed NUIT (Natural User Interface Technology) for multiple instances of touch at once and the interesting bit is that in multiplayer games like poker the software recognizes the player’s hands and only reveals the cards to him/her when hands are cupped around them. Just like the Gaming Table hardware the software is also customizable.

As the Locus Gaming Table is fully custom made therefore you’ll have to wait for 5-8 months for the table to arrive once the order is placed. Gaming Table comes in two models, the 40 inch screen and 60 inch screen one which cost $4,250 and $8,500 respectively. And yes, you’ll have to deposit $1800 to book your space in the production queue, so order it now and when it finally arrived be ready for some startling reactions from friends and family.

Via: GeekChichq/NerdApproved


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