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MXP underwear uses nanotechnology studded fabric for eliminating body odor

Body odor can be a real turn-off for yourself as well as people around you, so how do you make sure to get rid of it without having to put tons of cologne or anti-perspiring products? Well there might be a solution to this predicament in the nano-technology that we are always amazed by. A Japanese firm, Goldwin has come up with an interesting new product called MXP (Maxi Fresh Plus) underwear that uses fabric engraved with nanotechnology for taking on body odor at the root level.
Having the ability to get rid of 99% of body odor due to perspiration and 88% of other body odors this revolutionary products is catching the eyes of many around the globe. According to the makers the fabric is tested in the International Space Station facility so you can bet on its performance under any given conditions. To learn more about this line of products priced at JPY 4,095 have a look at this video.

Via: Springwise


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