
BoxingBots can pack a heavy punch in the boxing ring

Fighting robots were always on the slated list of technology tycoons and these BoxingBots that can knock the hell out of each other are perfect examples of robotic prowess and agility. Built by the team at Coding4Fun that specializes in coding projects, these six-foot bots use pressurized gas stored in two separate 2.5 gallon tanks having compressed air at 150 psi for mechanical motion. To control these fighting bots players take control with Kinect for Windows-enabled PC which maps the movement of the players themselves.

The BoxingBots are very flexible in movement because of their four omni-directional wheels and the players can aim right in the middle of the vulnerable spot that is their chest to perform knock outs. The best thing about these BoxingBots is that they can be controlled via a normal PC and cost very economical.


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