
First ever life-size remote controlled robotic replica of Wall-E took my heart away

When Wall-E first came into limelight it took everyone by surprise that how could someone put so much emotion and personality into a robot. Well that is what Disney Pixar have been doing for so many decades and this very imagination inspires others also to build something as inspirational. Mike Senna was so much inspired by the Wall-E movie that he set out on making a life-size functional replica of the cute little robot and it took him two years to come up with the final complete version of Wall-E replica. According to Senna it took him around 3,200 to 3,800 man hours to build from scratch and the only references he had for making it were the visuals from the Wall-E movie that he replayed over and over again.

Without any real time physical reference to make the Wall-E replica it can be considered as an amazing feat by the man. Mike, who is an enthusiastic robot maker has made the R2-D2 replica too in the past but considers the Wall-E life-size replica to be the most interesting creation by him so far.

Via: GeekoSystem/GeekTyrant


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