Art & Design

tPOD1 thermoelectric charger keeps your gadgetry juiced up off the grid

Thermoelectric portable lamps seem to be joining the rank of solar lamps that can provide you both, energy and light, when you are far away from energy source. Researchers from around the world keep racking their brains to discover new ways to utilize thermal energy. tPOD1 (thermoelectric Power On Demand) is one similar endeavor that converts heat produced from conventional tea candles into a reliable energy resource when you are outdoors.

tPOD1, a brainchild of Richard Harmon of Tellurex Corporation, converts heat emission into electric energy. The portable device that weighs mere 12 ounces and is as small as a soup can makes a built-in 25 LED bulb lamp glow for about 4 hours with the help of a single tea candle. This small device not only works as a light source but also serves like an electric charger for handheld devices like cellphones, MP3 players, etc.

The candle when placed underneath the tPOD1 provides right amount of heat for the thermoelectric modules to generate energy.
It’s a Kickstarter project that aims to change the process of renewable energy generation. Head over to Kickstarter page for more information or to pledge your donation.


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