
Diet glasses that fool you into eating more are good for dieting fanatics

It’s a well-known fact that the more you eat the chances of you putting on more weight increase. So what do you do to eat less and keep yourself away from this very predicament? Well, make you food look bigger than it really is and fool yourself into eating less. As surprising as it may seem, Tokyo University professor Michitaka Hirose and his team of researchers have developed a camera equipped with special goggles to make the cookie look bigger (not the hand), fooling the person into thinking they have eaten a mega cookie.

This is done by sending the image to a computer which performs the trickery and returns back the manipulated image to fool the user’s mind into thinking that the food they are eating is much bigger than it really is. In successful experiments volunteers consumed 10% less cookies which were bloated to 50% bigger size and when the cookie was reduced to one third the original size they ate 15% more.
This is really interesting and Hirose says that they are looking to incorporate other sensory aids like touch manipulation and scent bottles combined with visual trickery to make the effect look more real.

Now people obsessed with weight loss have every reason to have a rise smile on their faces because in their mind they will eat more but their body will only receive a depleted amount which all goes well for dieting woes.


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