
Cannon special purpose head mount display immerses the user in interactive environment

Cannon has come up with special purpose head mount display and software that positions alignment that makes use of high-precision and high-speed image processing engine for acquiring synthesized images. It is in a way mixed reality system that engulfs the user in interactive environment comprising physical as well as virtual elements. The images user is able to see in real time are similar to the ones that you would observe with naked eyes when proportion of objects and size of the object is taken into consideration.

The real-world images in this head mount display are obtained via stereo camera where the design aligns optical axes of the camera and the light enters the pupil of the eye making the effect very real for the wearer. This is achieved using free-curve prism which gives high level of magnification without increasing the size of the system.

Initially the system will be used in industrial design applications that require quick product design and the whole planning process that goes into the design. For example in automotive design the seat in only the real object whereas the CAD data for the car can be seen through the display. This saves time, money and effort that will otherwise be wasted on mock-ups.

Via: Diginfo


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