
VingCard Essence is world’s best invisible door locking system for stern security in hotels

Having stringent security in hotels is paramount and the locking solution should be such that it ensures full proof security at all times. Locking solution firm VingCard has been providing top notch locking systems for hospitality industry for quite some time now and their latest locking system for hotels. Essence by VingCard redefines new age locking technologies for commercial purpose with all the electronic components inside the door for clean minimalistic look, none the less laden with latest in locking system technology.

Essence locking door system integrates VingCard Elsafe’s advanced contactless locking solutions right into the interior electronics of the door itself laden with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Near Field Communication (NFC) technologies.

In this era of design conscious hotel industry with demanding customers; the Essence door locking solution provides easy installation, integration and maintenance. It makes the job of interior designers and architects easier because keeping the design aesthetics perfectly in sync with latest technologies being used in door lock security systems is not that easy.

Essence is also compatible with patented wireless online Visionline system making it a very streamlined locking solution from the design and operation ability aspect. In a way we can call it the invisible door lock system that looks simple but has everything tech savvy hidden inside to provide stringent locking solutions.


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