
Wireless smart sockets will automate home electronics with smartphones and PC’s

The future is not very distant when you’ll be able to operate and control all the electronic appliances, switches and any other household sockets just with your smartphone. This initiation comes courtesy group of researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Communication Systems ESK in Munich with Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM in Kaiserslautern who have developed all new power outlets having support for brand-new IPv6 Internet protocol. Called as wireless smart socket this new way of operating you household electronics plugged into one of the sockets can be easily switched on or off remotely using IPv6-compatible device like a smartphone, laptop, PC or tablet.

All this is a part of SmartGrid project which has a sub project called Hexabus home automation system that uses USB sticks which are plugged into compatible off-the-shelf routers. Not only are these smart sockets there to automate your home electronics but also make sure that energy consumption is optimized for example if you forget to turn off the lights in your home you could do it directly from your smartphone. The IPv6 connection outlets can be used from a range of about 100 feet with ability to pass down the signal to closest outlet thereby extending the range even further. If you think that all this is going to be suseptable to hacking then think again because IPv6 connection outlets are going to be encrypted with AES-128 advanced encryption standard.

Via: Gizmag/Xiaomi


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