
DARAP developing unmanned vessel to stalk quietest of submarine targets

With the burgeoning threats from quiet diesel electric submarines, it’s just fitting for Pentagon’s mad science agency DARPA to award Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) a contract to develop for it an unmanned vessel that will shadow any submerged submarine throughout its quiet petrol. Dubbed the Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV), this program will involve designing, developing and demonstrating the vessel optimized to keep a track on the quiet diesel electric submarines for months over thousands of kilometers with minimum human involvement.

Constructed to follow all marinate laws, the autonomous vessel will feature advanced software and sensors that will keep the vessel on its toes to continuously follow quietest of submarine targets. When successfully developed the vessel will be a real strategic advantage for the US navy considering the fact that submarine threats will be negotiated at one-tenth cost of building new submarines.



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