
Aerofex hover bike flies 15 feet in air with pilot’s movement at 50km/h

Modern day hover bikes are a real fad; you say you haven’t seen any besides the speeders in the Star Wars? Well don’t fret, a California based engineering company called Aerofex has developed a hover bike that does away with all the failures of the typically flying bikes and is finely tuned to balance itself on the movement of its rider, just like any two wheeler on road. The nimble flyer has had manned test flights of up to 15 feet at speeds of up to 50km/h, these flights carried out in Mojave Desert have been cautiously done and the true capabilities of the hover bike have not yet been reached.

Replacing wheels with duct fans, the Aerofex hover bike turns out as the finest ATV we could have in the near future. Thanks to its creative engineering that solves the overwhelming problem of stability and control, which has kept many engineers from trying to build a hover vehicle. The Aerofex hover bike has been embedded with two control bars at knee level, so when the rider leans to either side the hover bike responds thus allowing anybody to take the pilots seat and ride it like any other bike.

Aerofex is working on the version 2.0 of the hover bike which is scheduled for a test flight sometime in October of 2012, an unmanned version is also lined up for the end of 2013. Mind you the Aerofex hover bike isn’t going into mass production anytime soon, so you’ll still have to negotiate all the traffic snarls and cramped parking issues with your good old car or bike that you drive. Even when it enters production Aerofex says the hover craft will be ideal for use in rescue operations, in battlefields for medical evacuation etc.

Via: LiveScience/Geekologie/Ubergizmo


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