
DuetGen will power up your electric appliances courtesy rowing motion

In times when alternate and eco-friendly resources of energy are becoming ever so popular due to realization of the inevitable, the Humancar DuetGen comes forth as a very niche idea. It is based on a human powered system that charges the battery as rowing motion is converted into electricity. The power collected from the device for 30 minutes twice a day can be used to run a variety of electrical appliances in your home such as water purification systems, refrigerator, LED lighting, desktop or TV. The device comes in very handy when there is need for power in remote location and that is the very motivation for developing it.

Main section of DuetGen comprises of a small generator box just beneath the platform and as a person climbs on it and starts the rowing motion with the stick the dynamo turns and charges the battery. As you can see from the video the generation motion is stress free as one has to just rock back and forward with the liver.

The price tag of $1950 seems a bit on the higher side considering that how much power it can produce in emergency situation, but hey, everything starts at something so we will be keenly looking at any further developments on any such projects.

Via: RedFerret


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