
Arrow gas mask with laser guided sign shows exit path in dense smoke

More often than not when a fire breaks out smoke accounts for human life as one is not able to see the path and get disoriented, sadly leading to choking and eventually loss of life. Gas masks are a good way to minimize the death toll by solving the breath issues, but they can also have a limitation as person is not able to see where he/she is going. The sight field is blocked by smoke and toxic gases making it virtually impossible to see and locate the exit path which can be equally dangerous. Arrow gas mask developed by Prof. Jeon Sung-Su, Prof. Kim Ki-Pil Kang Kyung Rok, Kang Dong Woo and Jeon Ji Yong which won Best of the Best Reddot Design Award looks to get over this problem which could save so many lives in accidental fires.
Arrow gas mask has a laser beam and USN (Ubiquitous sensor network) System which induces sign which shows the shortest exit path for safe rescue missions no matter how pitch dark and Smokey the conditions. Once the wearer pulls the string connected to network of emergency personnel the gas mask’s power is activated via the RFID’ operation. Thereafter the Arrow mask shines an arrow on the floor showing the safest exit route eliminating any chances of getting lost in the thick smoke and toxic gases. The technology is in concept stage and looks good enough to make in into the firefighters gear in the coming future.

Via: Blog.Naver


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