
Phone with augmented hearing aid for elderly and hard of hearing

KDDI has developed a cool new phone handset which has augmented hearing feature so that elderly and blokes with hearing disability can have a very pleasing mobile experience. Showcased at the CEATEC 2012 this technology has been developed in association with Kyocera. The main component at work is a Smart Sonic Receiver installed in the phone that does not require any hole in the speaker on front panel for hearing. Rather the receiver creates vibration on the front panel for all frequencies in audible range. Combine this with the amplified volume, the user feels as if audio is being delivered directly to their ears.
Using Dynamic Range Compression (DRC) processing the sound is enhanced without any distortion making it easy for the wearer to hear what person at the other end is trying to say. One can adjust the height of sound being delivered which makes this sort of augmented hearing aid a desirable product once it is out there available for purchase.


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