
Bodywell Chip helps counter harmful radiations from smartphone

How would you like to reduce the risk of radiation emitted by your cool smartphone reduced drastically and hence possible related health hazards that vary from headache to cancerous tumors? Sounds pretty good, does it not? But reality is a bit different from this ideal scenario and many experts suggest that it is next to impossible to avoid exposure to some dosage of radiation when using the fancy new handheld gadgets. Of course, each manufacturer has to stick to a strict code of what is permissible, but there are raging debates on that as well. But a tiny little chip called ‘Bodywell claims that it can avoid this harmful exposure to radiation and can do so easily!

Bodywell is a simple little chip that looks like your micro-Sim and can simply be pasted onto your mobile cover. Its makers claim that it apparently produces radiation that cancels out the harmful ones emitted by your cell phone and this pretty much works the same way as those noise reduction headsets. But then, sound waves and radiation are totally different kinds of waves and cell phone SAR is not the same as sound waves in its nature.

Bodywell does not go into great detail from a scientific standpoint and while we are not convinced on the capabilities of Bodywell completely, there is also no refuting the fact that smartphones can and do emit radiation that has an effect in the longer run. For what its worth, we still believe that the best thing to do is reduce time you spend on mobiles and use headphones whenever possible. If you wish to give Bodywell chip a try tough you can order it for $29.99 and give it a shot.

Via: ChipChick


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