
No, no no … this is not a Ferrari supercar, it’s the Farradi Farfall FFX bicycle!

Have a look at this custom made Farradi Farfall FFX bicycle build by Austrian artist Hannes Langeder that looks nothing close to your average bicycle. Made specifically to emulate the look, aerodynamic design and smooth red finish of the high performance Ferrari FXX track only vehicle, the bicycle sadly can only hit top speed of 10 miles per hour which is quite obvious as it propels forward on pedal power rather than horsepower. Complete with gullwing doors, low profile design and other signature Ferrari design queues this bicycle has a surprising price tag of £1.2 million.

As one climbs inside the two seated vehicle it can be pedaled forward using 11 gear assisted drive shaft. This aerodynamic bicycle is one of its kinds in the world and derives its name Fahrrad from the phrase for ‘butterfly’ in Italian because according to the creator it is so light enough that it can take off at higher speeds.

Weighing around 100kg courtesy the lightweight plastic tubed body and steel chassis the street legal bicycle was seen in the Austrian nights on the road all thanks to 200 ultra-bright LED light illumination. As of now Farradi Farfall FFX bicycle is on display at the LENTOS Museum of Art in Linz, Austria as part of the automotive exhibition. Hose, hang on for the video of Farradi Farfall FFX bicycle after some pictures of the build process.

Via: DailyMail


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