
World’s smallest bicycle is so tiny that you’ll be amazed how a man rides it

Do you think riding bikes is cool and you can pull off any damn crazy stunt on it using niche skills? Then try pulling off some moves on this small little bike. Set to be the world’s smallest functional bicycle with no information on how it was made or who the maker is, all that we have is a video posted on Youtube. Smaller than an average shoe this bike can sustain weight of a full adult easily. As you can see from the video below the guy pulls out this small bicycle from his backpack, puts it down on the tarmac and surprisingly finds the right balance to ride.

The man is dressed in full cycling gear and rides this miniature bicycle with ease for a few meters holding the small handlebars and pedaling his way forward with ease. I’m sure he would cramp himself one day if he keeps riding this small little bicycle for an extended duration of time. by the look of things, the video seems to be shot somewhere in Russia and as soon as we’ll have some concrete information on this small wonder it will updated.

Via: CheezBurger


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