
3D printed Wandular device that ages with its owner coming in year 2025

A gadget that ages with its owner could be a possibility in the next decade or so as people associate so much emotion with their electronic items. As a part of the futuristic project aimed at developing technologies for the year 2025 called Future Scapes (in collaboration with Sony), the Wandular device is one to watch out which ages with its owner (reminds me of the movie Bicentennial Man) thereby reducing the number of short lived electronic devices. Wandular has a cloud-based thin client modular approach that enables a long span of life for the device allowing the user to enjoy latest software or hardware upgrades.

Along with this Wandular will have modular add-ons allowing the device to be physically upgraded wit hthings like projectors, motion sensors or energy generation modules. The 3D printed modules will allow for the flexibility when it comes to adding new recyclable hardware and users thirst for novelty. For repair and maintenance services, module upgrades and monthly cloud subscriptions there will be new cyclical service options. The design of this device will allow for aging of the device gracefully as it will be made from long lasting material.

Via: Welt


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