With news of the global launch of Netflix, find out how you can access thousands of secret categories in Netflix using this simple Chrome extension.
This year kicked off on a real high note when Netflix decided to escalate their operations on a global level, allowing users all over the world to avail the service (we even covered a post on the best free VPNs for Netflix). The first month of the service is free for all to avail and while some people are content with the current selection of categories offered by Netflix, what if I told you that there are a plethora of categories that are yet to be discovered?
Earlier this week, the blogosphere covered so-called “secret categories” on Netflix, which you can access by manually entering a specific code at the end of the URL like netflix.com/genre/xxxx. It was a painstaking process, and now there’s a better way to do them.
If you are curious about what lies beneath the surface of Netflix’s offerings, a simple Google Chrome extension will allow you to easily browse the thousands of hidden categories in a simple menu.
The extension is aptly titled “Netflix Super Browse” [Chrome Store] and truly delivers on the promise. For those interested, Firefox Add-on is also available to download [Mozilla Add-ons], keep in mind that the latter is currently a beta, so expect a few bugs.
Once you install the extension, simply head on over to your account on the website version of Netflix and you will notice a new addition to your menu called “Super Browse”. Simply hover over it, and voila! You have the secret categories in front of you:
^This is a WebM video, so if you’re opening this in Safari, it won’t load that way.
As you can see, there are plethora of secret categories that are just waiting to be explored, albeit, the selection will be limited depending on your geographical location, but it is still a great way of finding out a specific genre type that you have been looking for during your free trial of the app!
Here are a couple more instances of how useful this extension is in navigating Netflix for browsers:
Keep in mind that this only works in Netflix for Chrome / Firefox, It won’t extend to your other devices. This will indeed come of use to people who are recently entering the world of Netflix and learning about the plethora of secret categories just waiting to be explored.
Originally, to explore these categories, one would need to look up their liking from a humongous selection of categories manually, and enter the code in the browser. This is truly a blessing in disguise for power users who want greater value from their Netflix experiences and find something “specifically specific”.
If you are also alien to these genres, let us know in the comments section which one you explored and if you found anything of your liking.