The answer is six. In order to delete PC internet history, these five major memory dumps must be purged. The five internet history folders are your internet browser history, your computer’s web cache, Autocomplete, browser history and cookies. The secret index.dat file makes the sixth.
All six internet history data hogs remember every web page viewed, every article read, every movie, every pictures and any little file that may have caught our attention. This information is easily accessible to all who use your computer. So the first thing we need to categorically delete PC internet history.
Permanently Eliminate your Internet History in 1-click, Read More!
“Know Thy Enemy, and Thou shall triumph”
Learn how to delete your PC internet history so it doesn’t become your enemy.
Web Cache- is also known as the temporary internet folder. It contains your temporary internet files.The web cache is the primary folder that holds your previously viewed web pages and images.
Browser History-This folder contains every url you have typed in the address bar or visited over a given period of time. This information leaves the biggest web tracks. So, you want to immediately eliminate it.
AutoComplete-This is an extension of your browser history. When you type in URLs in your web browser, previously entered urls will appear in the drop down box. This feature shows every place you’ve been on the net. You can delete individual entries or fully disable it using an auto erase history feature. I recommend the latter.
Forms and Passwords-This is a great time saver, but it eradicates any sense of PC security. Choose the remember the password option and beware that anyone can see this from your browser.By learning how to delete PC internet files, you will become aware that passwords should be stored elsewhere not on your computer. You can protect them with a password in Firefox and Netscape, but IE and Chrome don’t offer this. Hmm…I wonder why?
Click Here to Learn How to Manually Delete Forms and Passwords
Cookies-there is certainly nothing sweet and tasty about this little fellow. Cookies identify you on certain web sites. Although some cookies can be useful, They majority act as tiny little covert spies, secretly watching your browsing activity. Declare war on this bastards as soon as possible.
Click Here to Learn How to Manually Delete Cookies
Index.dat– Is an active folder used by Microsoft Window’s Internet Explorer. This data in this secret human-unreadable file keeps an active log of all the websites you have visited. This log contains urls and web quires recently opened files. This file is very difficult to delete. Performing standard Windows’ history delete will not eliminate this file. It is a secret file designed to avoid traditional cleaning methods. Index.dat also keeps a record of all email you have received through Outlook Express.
To Learn How to Manually Delete Your Index.dat. Click this Link
Select which area you would like to manually clean from the from above and left menu. You may want to keep some information so take precautions and backup any sensitive data if you are planning to fully delete PC internet history files. If you are interesting in “tricking out” your PC to automatically delete PC internet history check out.